Hi, I’m Mindy, and I'm OBSESSED with cacao!

My first introduction to cacao came at a retreat in Peru, where I was living at the time. I was told we were going to do a cacao ceremony, and immediately knew “this is for me.” You know that feeling you get - the one where you just know something is for you? That.

I wouldn’t leave the practitioners alone, asking them where they learned about cacao, how they were making it, where they bought it, how I could learn more - a million questions later, and I think they just wanted me out of the kitchen so they could get ready for their event 🤣

After that retreat, I was on a mission.

I started looking around the Belen Market in Iquitos, Peru to find cacao. Searching the internet for any information I could find. Obsession style. The problem was, Peru didn’t have the best cacao - too much jitters and caffeine - Central America did.

Life brought me to Mexico and then Guatemala. In Mexico I started by holding cacao ceremonies on the beach, and realized cacao isn’t just for ceremonies. It’s truly for daily use - Every. Single. Day. 

Cacao helped me heal

The more I worked with cacao, the more I was able to open my heart (not an easy thing after divorce), and mend my body from childbirth and all that comes from caring for a small child. I was holding cacao ceremonies on the beach for my “Cacao Mamas” group, which was exactly as it sounds - cacao ceremonies with crazy kids crawling all over us. It was wonderful 🥰

In Guatemala I worked with the famous Cacao Shaman, Keith, and fully realized there is no one right way to work with cacao. The essence of cacao is inside of you, and it is up to you to bring it out.

Unexpected benefits from cacao

It was only after returning to the United States that all the health and brain benefits truly emerged in my awareness. Not only is cacao one of the most powerful plant medicines on the planet, but the health and brain benefits are off the charts! You can learn all about those here.

It has been a journey with cacao, one that I feel is just starting. I’ve spent years traveling the world to find what I consider the BEST cacao. And now that I've found the best, I want to share it with you. 

I hope you grow to love cacao as much as I do!

Welcome to Love Cacao :)