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Become a Love Cacao Ceremonialist

Become a Love Cacao Ceremonialist

How To Hold Sacred Cacao Ceremonies, Expand Your Healing Career, and Bring In Multiple Revenue Streams, While Staying in Alignment with Your Soul

Digital access only. Cacao not included.

Regular price $147.00 USD
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Have you heard of sacred Cacao Ceremonies, and just known it was for you?

Have you attended Cacao Ceremonies - in person or online - and felt the desire to share this sacred plant medicine?

Are you looking for a framework, guidance, and knowledge on how to get going?

Holding Cacao Ceremonies can be more intuitive than you think. Let me show you how...

The Cacao Ceremonialist Course is so complete. In video demonstrations and audio recordings I truly feel I have all the tools and information to create my own cacao ceremony. I sincerely feel Mindy's love for the cacao in each lesson. Many activations are included in the class to unite you with the true intentions of the cacao ceremony. She even includes bonus text to use in emails and marketing. I feel she has thought of everything!

~ Heather Coster, Medical Intuitive and Energy Healer

I know it can feel overwhelming when you think about holding ceremonies - where do I start?!

I know it can feel like "who am I to do this? What makes me special or qualified?"

I used to feel the same way...I know spending months in Guatemala, Mexico and the Amazon Jungle are not options for most people...

I’m here to show you how you can hold transformational, sacred Cacao Ceremonies that expand your life and the lives of your clients, from anywhere in the world.

From the moment I experienced my first Cacao ceremony, I knew I had to do this too. It felt like my soul was saying "yes yes yes yes yes, this is for you!!" But, I didn't know where to start.

I knew nothing about Cacao, but felt the desire from the core of my being to start learning. At this time, there were no Cacao ceremonies in my area, much less someone teaching it. Online ceremonies and courses didn't exist yet. I had experienced my first ceremony while living in the jungles of Peru, and shortly thereafter moved back to the United States. 

It took two years to start holding ceremonies of my own. I must admit, the beginning was not glamorous. I created a group called "Cacao Mamas," where a bunch of my friends and I would get together and hold cacao ceremonies on the beach, with our kids running all around. Noise, constant distraction, onlookers, and a lot of mess - it was perfect.

A year later, it was time to step it up. I went to Guatemala to study with the Cacao Shaman. What an incredible experience! From him I learned even more about Cacao, ceremonies, and healing from within.

With this confidence, I started holding ceremonies more regularly and with more variety - on retreats, in-person, private 1:1 cacao sessions, and online ceremonies.

The more ceremonies I held, the more I was asked "how do you do this?! Cacao is amazing! I want to know too!" Most people can't live in the Amazon Jungle, Mexican Caribbean, and Guatemalan Highlands, just to learn how to work with Cacao. I knew I needed to share.

To me, Cacao is one of the most transformational plant spirit medicines available to the masses. It's here to change the frequency of our planet. And it's up to us to spread it.

This is why I created the Love Cacao Ceremonialist course. It's time for Cacao to move across the planet. It's time to heal. It's time to bring in a new earth. And I can't do it alone.

"An indigenous myth tells us whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, cacao comes from the rain forest to open people's hearts and return the planet to harmony"

Love Cacao Ceremonialist is a course for people who want to hold Cacao Ceremonies, transform their lives and businesses, and make an impact in the world.

Full of sacred attunements, step-by-step processes, and multiple income opportunities, the Love Cacao Ceremonialist Course will jumpstart your journey to holding Cacao Ceremonies and so much more.

Working with Mindy's Cacao course was truly a magical opening to the Spirit of Cacao. I learned in detail how to hold space for others safely while managing my own energy. As well as how to prepare, serve and guide others sacredly. It allowed me to deepen my relationship with the Spirit of Cacao and I feel so honored to work with this medicine and have the knowledge how to do it in an aligned way. After completing this course, and working with cacao, so many doors opened for me and my tribe! Thank you Mindy!!

~ CheyAnne Curtis, Spiritual Mentor and Cacao Ceremonialist, Utah

  • How to create your own sacred Cacao Ceremony, completely unique to you

  • Six Sacred Cacao Attunements, connecting you to the Spirit of Cacao and releasing your limits

  • An in-depth understanding of what Cacao is both on the physical and energetic levels

  • How to prepare cacao for individual use and ceremonial use (it's different!)

  • ​Learn all the energetic processes that go on behind the scenes

  • Seven waysto use cacao with clients - both inside and outside of ceremony

Unlike other Cacao Ceremonialists that want to keep everything secret, the Love Cacao Ceremonialist course will share it all, AND attune you to the Spirit of Cacao. Never again will you you be on your own.

The Love Cacao Ceremonialist course will dramatically reduce the insecurity and confusion around holding Cacao Ceremonies, jumpstart your abilities as a ceremonialist and a healer, and bring you multiple income sources to support you in your journey.

  • Welcome ($297 value):

    - What is Cacao

    - Ceremonial Cacao Difference

    - Safety

    - Cacao Ceremony vs Cacao Show

  • About Cacao ($87 value):

    - Nutrition

    - History

  • Prepare Your Cacao ($297 value):

    - Personal

    - Ceremonial- Recipes

    - Things to Avoid

  • Holding Ceremonies ($997 value):

    - Creating Your Own Ceremony

    - Ceremonies Touch All Senses

    - Energetically Clearing the Space

    - Holding Space

    - Altars

    - Intention Setting

    - Grounding

    - Ceremony Flow

    - Logistics

    - Online Ceremonies

  • Ceremony Ideas ($597 value):

    - Cacao + Sound

    - Cacao + Movement

    - Cacao + Meditation

    - Cacao + Energy Healing

    - Cacao + Breathwork

    - One-to-One Sessions

    - Where Else?

  • Sacred Cacao Attunements:

    - Your Role with Cacao ($333 value)

    - Release Your Limits ($333 value)

    - Sacred Exchange ($333 value)

    - Heal Yourself, Heal Others ($333 value)

    - Seeds of Transmission ($333 value)

    - Create Your Ceremony ($333 value)

  • Practice ($297 value):

    - Morning Rituals

    - Ceremonies

    - Go to Glow

  • Example Ceremonies ($297 value):

    - Sacred Desire

    - Sacred Relationships

    - Wealth

The total value of the Love Cacao Ceremonialist course is $4,867.

Now, obviously I'm not going to charge you this much for the program...

Get Instant Access for only $147!

I really like the format of the Cacao Ceremonialist Course, the short videos made it easy to fit into my schedule and I often find myself returning to topics to hunt down a nugget of information. Its everything I could need to know and more, thank you Mindy!

~ Sonya Luamanu, New Zealand

  • This is for people who:

    ​- Have a deep desire to hold sacred Cacao Ceremonies​

    - Want to deepen their personal relationship with Cacao

    - ​Want to expand their healing, coaching and ceremonial career​​

    - Are here to make a shift in the frequency of the planet

    - ​Are here to bring in the new paradigm

  • This is NOT for people who:

    X ​Believe Cacao is just an energy drink, and has no spiritual properties

    X ​​Have no interest in the wellbeing of their clients or planet​

    X Want to put on a show, instead of creating long-lasting transformational experience

You and your healings have helped me transform so many patterns in such profound ways, and the recordings are a stroke of genius. They are just as profound, if not more, because you can actually be present and listen at your pace and take in what you need to take in, or pause when you need to pause. It's AMAZING.You are one of the most powerful healers I know.

~Bianca, California

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

100% No Risk Promise

You have nothing to lose. The Love Cacao Ceremonialist course will give you everything you need to know to feel confident and prepared to hold Cacao Ceremonies. If you decide the program doesn't work within the first 30 days we will refund your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do the Cacao attunements work?

The attunements are energetically programmed to connect you to the Spirit of Cacao, release your limits, and guide you in putting together your ceremonies. Once you turn on the recording, the energy starts flowing. The visualizations and feelings you receive is information directly from the Spirit of Cacao to you - trust it! Listen to these as often as you feel called.

How long are the attunements?

It only takes 10-30 minutes to listen to the attunements. The effects last a lifetime.

What if I feel unsure about my ability to hold ceremonies?

As questions in the Facebook group or join my Online Cacao Ceremonies! I'm happy to answer your questions and help you move through uncertainty.

I also suggest sitting with Cacao every morning - enjoying a cup of Cacao, meditating, journaling, yoga, or doing whatever feels right for you to connect. Practice ceremonies with a few friends that support you, until you feel confident sharing with others.

Can I charge for the ceremonies I hold?

Yes! Yes yes yes. Once you feel comfortable serving Cacao and holding the space, you need to charge for the ceremonies. This creates an equal energetic exchange between you and your clients, allowing them to receive even more healing and transformation than if they attended for free. It also keeps your energy balanced and opens you up to receive in other areas of your life.

Have other questions?

I'm happy to chat with you about the course, to see if it is a good fit for you. If you'd like to book a time to connect, please email me at

When I read about cacao last year I was intrigued but I wasn’t sure where to even begin. Then I met Mindy a few months later and everything changed!

As I started drinking cacao and experienced my first ceremony with Mindy I loved the cacao and saw how it enhanced everything and I knew I wanted to share this with others.

Mindy’s cacao ceremonialist training and support gave me the Information, confidence and steps to start facilitating ceremonies.

I loved that I could learn in the comfort of my home and at my own pace while having her support as well.

I have been incorporating them with yoga and meditation in the workshops and I love how each ceremony is adaptable to whoever is teaching it. 

~ Nancy Anger RYT, Intuitive Business Coach, Master Energy Healer and Sacred Cacao Ceremonialist 

The Love Cacao Ceremonialist course will give you everything you need to start holding sacred Cacao Ceremonies

You don't have time to keep putting your dreams off, hoping someday they will come around.

You don't have time to ignore this calling, as you've been chosen by the Spirit of Cacao to do this work.

You are needed.The shift in the planet is happening NOW, won't you be a part of it?

Your soul is calling.

Become a Love Cacao Ceremonialist